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Sunday, March 8, 2009


前几天, 正当我在工作的时候,天上突然乌云密布,在短短的10分钟里下起了倾盆大雨,也足足下了整整一句钟左右。然后,在我放工回家的路途上,我竟然被我眼前说看到的景象说吓呆了!我无法相信平日只有在报章上可以看到的闪电水灾竟然出现在我的眼前了!这场水灾经已把部分的道路给吞没了,成百上千的车辆都给水吞没了。甚至追丢脸及最可耻的事,就连PWTC也被泡在水中了!真地想不通,为何止是耗时一句钟的大雨竟然能够足以把马来西亚的首府--吉隆坡给泡在水中呢?!!真的是可耻呢!!



就拿邻国新加坡来比较就好了,人家只不过是一个小岛,周围都给海水给围绕着,为何不见的人家的国家又会浸水呢?我告诉你,因为人家的政府很有系统,很本领!人家的政府不看种族肤色,但只选精英人马进入内阁!但我国呢?全都是选一班饭桶进入内阁。如果政府真的有本事,为什么不把人民的钱来维修这些设施呢?为什么浪费人民的钱来送一个游客上太空呢?花了这样大笔的钱送一个笨蛋上太空作 teh tarik, roti canai 就能证明我国能吗?这样你才是天大的笨蛋呢!!!上了太空哪又这么样呢??对我国的太空署又帮组吗?那个太空人现在也只不过到处去炫耀做演讲罢了,还当作正职来赚钱呢!笨蛋的政府!



~G~ said...

singapore is small ~~ easy to manage ~~
malaysia is way more bigger ~~that's the problem~~
haha~~~however ..cannot deny that malaysia goverment is not that good ~ :P

Alex Chin said...

ppl country is small but systematic...every facilities or piping or drainage r all in recorded or filing,..but malaysia...no way! tat's y now they can't cure all tis problems bcuz of no a good planning b4 think of all tis problems tat they will facing..they onli know how much profit they can get from contractor tendering n then they can from there "eat" the money rite?! n so they can't do anything oledi as if they wan to do ..part of the kl will become DEAD as traffic jam, space is not big to do rectification n etc. hm...as a conclusion, town landskaper did a stupid n worst job ever!!

~G~ said...

so it depends on us ~~ in the future ~~ !!!wow ~