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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Do u knw hw much does it hurt when u love like tis & being treated like tis?

在佳礼网站读到这么一篇文章, 觉得90%都说对了! 你觉得呢??

Today She made a promise
She will not leave you unless you leave her,
she is very lucky that she found you
One Day After "Today"

When you never lied to her, even she'll get mad at
She tells you that she doesn't believe in you all

When you gave her your everything hoping to
make her happy and fill her life with colours
She tells you that you're disturbing her life

When you tell her not to do something because
you wanted to protect her
She tells you that you're trying to take away her
freedom and controlling her

When you push all your friends aside and spend
all your time with her when she's boring
She tells you're taking all her time

When you tell her that you cried for her even you're
a guy and you never cry even the sky falls on you
She tells you that its not a big deal because she
cried too

When you dont even look at other girls because of
She tells you that you should do that and its your
part as a bf, but she will never tell you how good
are you to her

When you ask her what's wrong when you see
she's not happy, when you wanted to share her
She tells you that you dont understand and kept
everything inside

When you comfort her when she's unhappy or
She thanked you with a kiss, but in the end, she
tells you that you never comfort her all along

When you sacrifice for her
She'll be happy for a day or two, after that she'll
start to forget, no matter how big the sacrifice was

When you tell her that you're worried about her
She gets mad at you and tells you that you don't
believe her

When you finally get enough courage to sing to her
in front of her friends with roses and a heart made
with candles
She tells you that you're giving her pressure and
talk to you in a rudely

When you treat her better than anyone else in the
whole world including your family and gave her all
your time, love and care

When you never betray her, be very loyal to her

When you never leave her aside and always telling
her that you're always by her side no matter what

When you almost lost your life for her, but you
sincerely felt that its worth it even if you've
lost it,
because of her
She give u reasons that make no sense and tells
you that you're the one who ended the relationship
and whatever you've did
are mistakes.

When love is around, treasure it, NEVER NEVER
forget about it, or else the one who will be losing is
You can't see how much does your love ones
really loves you just with your eyes, you see and
feel it with your heart

When you realize that how much you're being
loved, appreciate it and share the beautiful feeling
with the one you're getting it from
Love is born to be shared, not to be kept within,
else it'll turn into something ugly.
Sometimes when you hate someone for making
your life hard, actually that person is sacrificing
him/herself to bring you a better life
and kept quiet even though the person is being
treated as the bad person by you while you didn't
realize the life that you're enjoying now
is actually brought by the person who u hated.

When you can love someone as much as u hate
them and as much as they hurt you, its weird lol
What still remains now are only fragments and
only can be left within my heart.
Human beings are naturally hard to be satisfied
At least try not be greedy and selfish, you're
considered very lucky when you're being loved and
when someone really cares about you, be grateful
before you realize you're the one who's losing
something important that you may never be able to
get it back again.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009






2009-01-19 08:21 (Sinchew-i)

1. 爱人就是爱人,只能去爱,不要拿来比较。爱他一定要尊重他,再生气也不可以出口伤人,言语的伤口有时一生都在流血。
2. 不可以整天追问对方爱不爱你。他若真爱你,你不必问;他若不爱你,难道他会对你明確的承认吗?他对你的爱,用心去体会就品味出来了。
3. 不要摆脸色给对方看,对方性格上会有缺点,生活细节会与你不同,令你不满意,但人怎么可能是完美的,宽容是做人和对待婚姻应有的態度。
4. 男人对自己的尊严看的比什么都重要,不管在私下他有多么的宠爱你,多么怕你,在人前一定要给足面子。
5. 男人大都喜欢吹牛,你別戳破他的这点小把戏,他们这样可以让自己得到一点力量,找到一点自信。
6. 男人骨子里全喜欢美女,看到美女会目不转睛或回头行注目礼,你別认为他不爱你,爱看美女是男人的本能,与品格无关。
7. 不要太虚荣和太功利,物质的追求是无止境的,你是活出自己,不是活给別人看的。
8. 男人为何喜欢温柔的女人,因为他们的內心很脆弱,不像外表般坚强,他们需要妻子的柔情似水,轻怜蜜爱。
9. 家庭永远是第一,我们工作是为了更快乐的和家人在一起,享受生活,享受生命很重要。
10. 爱人的父母就是自己的父母,將心比心,爱屋及乌,心理上对老人依恋亲密,老人会感受到这份真心的。


2009-03-12 07:18 (Sinchew i-live)








